Studies show that the average parent has 15 negative interactions with their child for every one positive interaction. Yet, children are 7 times more likely to repeat the things that get noticed.
KUER’s RadioWest features Tribune journalists talking about their series on the polygamous leader in “A Predator in Prophet’s Clothing.”
My work and Voices for Dignity are discussed by three journalists in this podcast.
This is the second in a two-part series about the rise and fall of Samuel Bateman, a self-proclaimed prophet who sexually abused girls he had taken as his wives.
“The arrest and conviction of polygamist leader Samuel Bateman was the culmination of undercover work by a woman who has become an advocate for people in fundamentalist communities.” FULL STORY:…
“This is the first in a two-part series about the rise and fall of Samuel Bateman, a self-proclaimed prophet who sexually abused girls he had taken as his wives.”
I was quoted in this New York Times article. ““It essentially implodes your entire world,” Marie said. “Something incredibly unfair happened to you, but everyone is afraid to stand up for you because they are afraid of it happening to themselves. It’s like being pushed off a ship, and instead of somebody trying to save you, they stand on the deck and clap like you deserved it.”