Dr. Christine Marie has a PhD in Psychology with a specialty in media psychology. She is an  author, speaker, educator, researcher, empowerment advocate, and is a certified Trauma and Resiliency Life Coach. In addition to her PhD, she has an MBA, an MA in psychology, a specialization certificate in Positive Psychology and Media, and is a trauma-informed media consultant.

In 2024, Christine was awarded the 2023 “Harriet Tubman Peace Medallion for her tireless work in promoting peace and justice. Dr. Christine Marie’s advocacy has made a profound impact, supporting survivors and advancing the cause of human rights.”

Dr. Christine’s doctoral research is titled The Traumatic Impact of Humiliation, Misrepresentation and Victim-blaming in the Media on Narrative Identity and Well-being.

In 2021, she won the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Psychological Association, Division of Media Psychology and Technology.

This is the first study to identify cruel media-based experiences as a unique form of trauma. Among other things, her contributions include two new psychological constructs – ‘mediated representation assimilation’ and ‘traumatic media misrepresentation.’ She continues to research these topics, is currently writing a book on media-based trauma, and has a support group for survivors of this type of traumatic experience.

Dr. Christine is certified in Acute Traumatic Stress Management, and is a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress. She is a certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for individuals and for survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. She is a Sexual Assault Victims Advocate. She writes, trains, consults, or speaks on topics such as traumatic media misrepresentation, humiliation and public shaming, digital victimization, cancel culture, victim blaming in the media, cult dynamics, and more. She also developed and teaches a course on critical thinking, cult psychology, and coercion. She is a member of the American Psychological Association and the International Cultic Studies Association.

Christine is the founder of Voices for Dignity, a nonprofit organization that promotes online kindness and compassion, and that contributes resources and advocacy for marginalized populations as well as survivors of public shaming, dehumanization and exploitation. She is also the founder of victimblaming.com.

Her unusual expertise and insight comes from her own experience. In an unexpected, harrowing life twist years ago, Christine became a survivor of cult-based human trafficking. When she finally decided it was time to share her story, she went through exploitative misrepresentation and humiliation in the media. However, her recovery from this experience resulted in post-traumatic growth and launched her personal quest to turn her life’s darkest moments into something that would make a difference in the world. She is a passionate educator on her media-based research topics as well as the life-or-death importance of treating others with kindness and dignity.

Discussing her research on a podcast about Cancel Culture

Discussing her research on a videoblog

She is a certified Sexual Assault Victim’s Advocate (UCASA), a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist (CCTS-I), and is a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist for Sex Trafficking and Exploitation (CCTS-STE). She is also a Certified Trauma and Resiliency Life Coach through the Arizona Trauma Institute.

She is a member of the American Psychological Association, a member of the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, and is a member of the International Cultic Studies Association.

She currently lives in Colorado City, AZ with her husband where she has a small animal sanctuary, a  is an intermediary between the FLDS people and the United Effort Plan trust, which was formerly their religious land trust.



Fielding Graduate University Jan. 2017 — May 2020

PhD, Psychology, emphasis in Media Psychology

Doctoral Dissertation Research: The Traumatic Impact of Media Humiliation, Misrepresentation and Victim-blaming on Narrative Identity and Well-being

 ▪ Topics in Media Psychology include neuromarketing, media persuasion and influence, branding, transmedia storytelling, social media behavior, online engagement, virtual reality, mobile media, fandom, emerging technologies, human cognition and behavior, user experience, film impact, viral marketing etc.

▪ This specialized, cutting-edge field researches psychological principles involved in traditional media –print, television, film, music, PR.

▪ Positive psychology is the scientific study of human flourishing, and an applied approach to optimal functioning that enables individuals, communities and organizations to thrive

▪ The exciting new field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their personal and professional lives

▪ Positive psychology builds people’s strengths, boosts optimism and promotes happiness. Combining media with positive psychology creates an expertise in understanding how to use media and technology in the best ways possible to enhance the well-being and goals of individuals and society.

Fielding Graduate University 2020

            Additional diploma for the special concentration of Positive Psychology and Media

Fielding Graduate University Apr. 2014 — Jan. 2017

Master’s Degree, Psychology, GPA 3.98

Emphasis: Media Psychology | Personal, Business, Entertainment, Education, Advocacy, Communities, Social Good

University of Phoenix Mar. 2006 — Jun. 2008

Master of Business Administration, MBA, GPA 3.92

Emphasis: Transformational Leadership, Branding, Marketing

Brigham Young University Sep. 1980 — Jun. 1989

Bachelor of Science, Psychology

Emphasis: Parenting and Child Psychology


2024 – Acute Traumatic Stress Management

American Association of Experts in Traumatic Stress

2024 – Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Individual

Arizona Trauma Institute

2023 – Certified Trauma and Resiliency Life Coach

Arizona Trauma Institute

2020 – Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Sex Trafficking and Exploitation

Arizona Trauma Institute

2017 – Certified Sexual Assault Victim Advocate

Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault


2023 – Harriet Tubman Peace Medallion

Freedom Train Project. These awards are designed to acknowledge the unyielding dedication of individuals in the realm of cult awareness, survivor support, and societal change.

2021 – Outstanding Dissertation Award

American Psychological Association, Division of Media and Technology

2016 – Las Vegas 25 Most Beautiful People (Beautiful accomplishments)

L’Vegue Magazine honored 25 people in Las Vegas for ‘inner beauty’ as demonstrated by their work making the world a better place. Specifically mentioned in the presentation of my award was my work with human trafficking survivors.

2013 – VIP of the Year for Excellence in Online Media

Named VIP of the Year by Worldwide Who’s Who for Excellence in Online Media. “This special distinction honors individuals who have shown exceptional commitment to achieving personal and professional success, particularly in the digital world.”

1996 – National Community Service Award

1995 – Mrs. Michigan, United States of America Pageant

1992 – Young Mother of the Year (Virginia), American Mothers Association

Published 22 educational books, numerous articles, and is in the process of completing a Guidebook for Journalists, Producers and Other Media Professionals


Jul  2023

Workshop: Critical Thinking, Cult Psychology, and Coercion

Apr 2023

Speaker: Media Trauma and Surviving Public Shaming, Otherworld Theater, Chicago

Mar 2023

Workshop: Critical Thinking, Cult Psychology, and Coercion

Jan 2022

Why Your Dignity is so Vulnerable Today. Psychology Today

Feb 2022

Podcast appearance: The Media and Our Minds. Don’t Worry, We’ll Talk it Out with host Randon Heim

Nov 2022

Cults and Media Psychology  – Beautiful People Podcast

Nov 2021

The Traumatic Impact of Media Misrepresentation and Public Shaming, Amplify Magazine, APA

Podcast appearance: Interview with Expert Dr. Christine. Hidden: A True Crime Podcast with host Lauren Mathias

Jan 2021

Video blog: The Traumatic Impact of Media Humiliation, Misrepresentation and Victim-shaming

Podcast:  Breaking the Spell of Cancellation

Mar. 2020

Trained Hostage Negotiator and assisted him in preparing for new trainings on the difference between cults vs. polygamists for police workshops

Jan. 2020

Traumatic Media Humiliation and Misrepresentation (poster session)

Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA

Jan. 2020

Media Misrepresentation and Humiliation (presentation)

Fielding Graduate University, Santa Barbara, CA

Nov. 2019

The Complications of Helping People from Plural Communities (presentation)

International Cultic Studies Association, Santa Fe, NM

July 2019

Human Trafficking and Combatting Human Slavery (presentation, panelist)

International Cultic Studies Association and Info-sect, Manchester, England

May 2018

Getting to Know the FLDS: An Outsider’s Perspective from a Media and Positive Psychology Lens. 

Sunstone Conference

Jan. 2017

Helping the FLDS in Crisis: What One Outsider Never Expected to Find Behind the FLDS Walls, 

Sunstone Magazine

June 2016

Media, Victim-Blaming, Trauma, and Recovery: How Personal and Public Narratives Impact Survivors of Traumatic Psychological Manipulation (presentation)

International Cultic Studies Association, Dallas, TX

Sept. 2014

Human Trafficking as a Commercial Cult Mind-Control Phenomenon

International Cultic Studies Association, Washington DC (panelist)